A Tale Of The Tape

Sometimes, the effort to get involved can land one in situations that can result in all manner of unexpected things happening.

And so it was with SJCHS math teacher and coach Mike McMahon, who thought it might be fun to allow himself to be duct-taped to a wall as part of the student council's spirit week shenanigans. With the wide-eyed innocence of the lamb on his way to you-know-where, McMahon surrendered himself to the clutches of the masses during Thursday's lunch hour, and, well, it got kinda ugly kinda quick.

Perhaps having never read Gulliver's Travels, McMahon may have been unaware that one of the school's spirit ministers is Lilly Freemark. That's Lilly, as in Lilliputions, Mike! And that rhymes with yikes where I come from.

And so it was, that on Thursday of this past week, a perfectly good math teacher found himself pasted to the cafeteria wall, bound there with scads of duct tape that must have left local hardware stores sending clerks deep into the storerooms to keep product on the shelves.

In fairness to the Lilliputions, there were some basic civilities granted to their victim. They did not tape closed any spots that might be used for breathing. Well, at least one, anyways. And they did not allow any of their number to throw things at the incapacitated victim, as doing so would violate a basic tenet of their code, whatever that might be, and such as it is. Bad enough the verbal abusing from casual bystanders, who, for reasons known only to them, found the whole thing amusing, perhaps even funny.

Luckily, a hastily assembled group of SJCHS staff were able to fight their way in and extricate the hapless teacher from his plight, restoring order to the scene.

And, oh yeah. It looked like a lot of fun.