Now, before going any further, we have to qualify that introductory line by stating an obvious fact, that being that, no matter the status of school administration, there’s always going to be a situation well-liked, something’s that guaranteed by the sterling qualities of all those who accept the responsibility of leadership here at St. Joseph’s.
That being said, it’s with mixed emotions that we announce the leaving of Vice-Principal Brennan Trainor. Mr. Trainor, as you can well imagine, has had a bit of a whirlwind week, beginning it as he did as principal of SJCHS, then reverting back to his regular vice-principal duties with the return of Mark Searson as principal. And now, in a testament to his willingness to serve, Mr. Trainor is moving on to take over acting principal responsibilities at Our Lady of Lourdes in Pembroke, filling a need that’s developed at that school.

One never knows how these things may play out, but it can be safely said that Brennan will be missed here, for however long he may be gone. As an administrator, he displayed exemplary leadership in the vast array of areas for which he was responsible, and leaves a lasting impression, a footprint if you will, that represents the many positives that mark his contribution.
Mr. Trainor moving on to Lourdes unleashes a veritable domino effect of change rippling through the fabric of St. Joe’s, generating no small amount of excitement at the prospects.

First, our new acting vice-principal is Mrs. Patti Watters, someone very familiar to anyone involved with St. Joseph’s, and someone who brings a complete package of experience, outlook, and excellence to the position. Replacing Mrs.Watters in Student Success is Mr. Russ Connors, formerly of the Special Education department, and again, a person who encompasses all the right qualities that make one a perfect fit for the duties with which they find themselves. Finally, Mr. Tim O’Connor slides into Special Education, creating a buzz of excitement in that department.
As a school community, we congratulate all of these fine individuals on their postings and new responsibilities, and wish them all the best for every success, something guaranteed by virtue of the qualities they bring to every situation they find themselves a part of.