Teaming up with their peers, a similar team from Bishop Smith Catholic High School in Pembroke, our students will embark on a mission of solidarity with a small village of people who, over the years, have developed a meaningful and fulfilling relationship with students from our School District.
Bringing with them much-needed medicines, medical supplies, food, clothing, and the like, the team has also raised money that they contribute towards substantially impacting the quality of life for those less fortunate in this world than they. Their efforts will be combined with the efforts of others, making clinics available to the local population, and making doctors available to make use of those clinics.
And make no mistake, lives are not only bettered by the efforts of these people. In some cases, they're saved, and there can be no greater legacy than the effort to reach out and touch someone in need, to improve their life substantially, and to save it from the slow, inexorable approach of death in some cases.
A perfect example of solidarity with our fellow human beings, and a perfect example of holiness demonstrated by those who make the time and expend the effort to do so.
Our prayers and best wishes go out to this year's team for a safe and successful journey.
Pictured above, from left to right, are Sheena Plouffe, Katie Troutman, Audrey McMann, and Kerry Keyes.